Step 46
Next, install the flexible hose seal (13226) on to the ring and head as shown in fig. 46.1. Secure on the hose to
the head and the ring with (2) hose clamps (13145). Locate the swing tube hold down plates (13195). Place
swing tube on infeed housing being sure to align the swing tube knuckle and infeed gearbox. Secure the swing
tube to the infeed using (8) 3/8” x 1-1/4” hex flange bolts, 3/8” washers & flange nuts. Tighten all 8 fasteners.
Step 47
Next the wheel will be installed on the swing hopper. First, locate the 4 hopper tires (30104), 4 clevis pins, 4
spacer tubes (10186) & 4 lynch pins. Place the spacer tube through the first hole in the outside of the swing
hopper. Slide the clevis pin through the tire and the spacer making sure the offset part of the rim is facing in
towards the swing hopper as shown in fig. 47.1. Secure the spacer, tire, & clevis pin by placing a 3/16” lynch
pin through the end of the clevis pin. Repeat for all 4 hopper tires. (For more ground clearance install the tire in
the bottom hole.)
Fig. 46.1
Fig. 47.1
Fig. 46.2