T +44 (0)1709 377172 F +44 (0)1709 377173
Harvest Healthcare Ltd are manufacturers and distrubutors of high quality moving and
handling products. We manufacture to standards of BS EN ISO 10535, whilst maintaining
quality management systems to those of BS EN ISO 9001 (2008). We ensure that all products
are appropriately CE marked and our designs are tested fully on specialist rigs prior to
Appropriate legislation & documentation in relation to sling manufacturing:
Harvest Healthcare Ltd manufacture and distrubute products as set out in European Norm /
British Standards 10535:2006 ‘Hoists for the transfer of disabled persons - Requirements and
test methods’. Extensive testing is conducted on batch samples and appropriate certification
is available for reference as required (CE Files & Quality Manuals).
As with any other healthcare manufacturer, Harvest Healthcare Ltd are obliged to provide any
information as required to the appropriate bodies if challenged (for example MHRA). The
Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) under the Medical Devices
Directive 93/42/EEC ensure that harmonised standards are met.
As a result of document reference “Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations”
(LOLER 5 Dec 1998) Harvest Healthcare Ltd has a responsibility to ensure that each product
manufactured is to be of a safe standard and of course be fit for purpose
. They are to be
marked with any relevant information required for a safe transfer including patient / product
weight capacity, product design, inspection instructions and unique serial numbers for
identification. Under LOLER regulations, regular 6-monthly checks (and interim, pre use
inspections) should be undertaken. Service Labels are offered accordingly.
**“Providing that a thorough written risk assessment is conducted by a competent assessor”
(Reference: LOLER 1998/PUWER 1998).
For additional guidance in relation to risk assessments and appropriate competencies, refer
to the document “Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations “(PUWER 5 Dec 1998),
which can be found at
Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (90/269/EEC Directive) give appropriate
guidance where required.