Harrie Leenders Fuga eL Instructions for Installation, Use and Maintenance
We congratulate you on the purchase of your stove. This manual will inform you about
the best way of using the stove and the art of keeping a perfect fire. Before using the
stove, carefully read the text about breaking in the stove.
These heating instructions apply to the Fuga eL. They are merely intended as a guideline
as your stove will behave differently according to the place where it is installed, simply
because the conditions are different. The flue, the weather, the quality of the wood used
and the climate conditions in the house determine your stove's burning behaviour. In time
you will develop your own directions for use, based on these heating instructions.
What you should know about the Fuga eL
The Fuga eL is a radiant stove with convection which, when the stove is burning properly,
ensures a fine heat distribution.
The burning chamber is lined inside with highgrade ceramic firebrick elements (prisolith).
The aeration slide is opened by pulling it outwards (kindling position).
You open the door on the right side of the stove.
The three basic rules for proper burning are:
1 Use dry and clean wood.
The stove is suitable for burning socalled 'stackable fuels': wood and briquettes. We
assume you will be using dry fuels only. So, this also holds for the kindling paper and
cardboard. Wet fuel costs more energy, leaves moisture on the glass and soils the flue.
2 Do not temper the burning process excessively.
Allow the stove sufficient time to warm up (stay with it at this stage) and do not temper
the fire too quickly. Bear this rule in mind: you must not temper a stove until it has
warmed up properly.
3 Always make sure there is enough fresh air.
In houses today, cracks and gaps have often been sealed. Opening a small grate or
cantilever window will ensure sufficient fresh air, provided no freshairsupply system is
The main thing when making the fire is that both the flue and the stove reach the proper
Each time you want to open the stove when burning, the aircontrol slide must be open
(completely pulled out) to ensure proper air supply.