The filtering plays an important part in the proper functioning of the swimming pool. The filter installation
will last a long time if it is maintained correctly. Therefore respect following advice: If you want to perform
labours inside the body, first remove the sand before removing the valve.
Attention !
The filter body operates under pressure. Never start working on the filter if it is still under
Filtering too little can cause turbid and green water. Never use air or a compromised gas. This can
cause the filter body to explode.
A new filter can still contain fabrication impurities. It is recommended to clean the filter 48 hours
after commissioning.
2. Backwashing too often can decrease the filter installation.
Read the pressure off of the barometer. This upstart pressure is called the initial pressure. In most
cases the initial pressure is between 0.4 and 1 bar. This pressure depends on the power of the
pump, diameter of the filter body, lenght of the pipes, bends the pipes make and the cleanliness
of the sand. The initial pressure can never be too low. If all your devices work and are connected
correctly and your initial pressure is lower than 0.4 bar, you have provided a sublime installation.
Sand has to be replaced every 4 years, glass beads every 6 years
Switch the valve from position after you have stopped the pump.
Verify whether the conduits are not pinched or in a knot and put the valve in ‘Backwash’ mode
Start the pump
Backwash the filter 2 to 3.5 minutes
Stop the pump and put the valve in ‘Rinse’ mode
Start the pump and let it run for approximately 30 seconds
Stop the pump and put the valve on ‘Filter’
Restart the pump. The installation is now ready to do its job
In countries where the temperatures go below zero, it is necessary to perform a winter-treatment:
Backwash the filter
Stop the pump and put the valve on ‘Closed’
Open the purge valve beneath at the bottom of the body
Let all the water flow out of the filter body