© 2013 Harmonic Inc. Harmonic All rights reserved.
Ellipse 3000 Release 3.0, Rev. B
Chapter 6
Audio Configuration
This chapter details the audio channels management and setup options provided on the front
panel and in the web management interface of the Ellipse Series of Contribution Encoders.
6.1 General
The Audio Configuration menu displays the available audio channels with their coding schemes.
The number of available and permitted AAC and Dolby® scheme channels in the unit is set
according to the license key.
The Ellipse audio channels are dual, in other words they operate in pairs, 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and
6, and 7 and 8. When setting the coding scheme of one channel, the user must set its partner to
the same coding scheme. This means that when setting audio channel 1 to MPEG-1 Layer 2, the
user must set audio channel 2 to MPEG-1 Layer 2 as well, and vice versa.
The Ellipse encoder can currently support only one AAC LC embedded channel. This means that
only the first channel of each pair (1, 3, 5, and 7) can be configured as AAC LC and its partner
channel (2, 4, 6, and 8) is not active, however its partner channel must be configured according to
the AAC LC coding scheme as well.
Front Panel
To access the Audio menu on the front panel:
Root > Configuration > Audio
1 AUD1
MPEG-1 LAYER 2 Analog Enabled
2 AUD2
MPEG-1 LAYER 2 Analog Enabled
3 AUD3
MPEG-1 LAYER 2 Digital Disabled
4 AUD4
MPEG-1 LAYER 2 Digital Disabled