Place the stove on a noncombustible floor pro-
tector and away from combustible walls at least as
far as shown in figure 2 and 3. Note that the clear-
ances shown are minimum for safety but do not leave
much room for access when cleaning or servicing.
Please take this into account when placing the stove.
Place the Room Sensing Probe in the desired
location and run standard thermostat wire back to
the terminals on the back of the stove and connect
with the two terminals provided. Unlike a wall ther-
mostat the RS probe can be placed anywhere and go
unnoticed. We recommend the room sensor be in-
stalled even if only cut short and connected to room
sensor remote ports.
Connect the power cord to a 120 volt recep-
Prior to installing flue pipe, connect draft and
meter to stove. (The draft meter must have a mini-
mum range of 0-.5). Connect stove to 120V power
source. Set control board to test mode. Record draft
reading here _______ (should read at least .5").
After connecting the flue system, follow the
above procedure. However, prior to taking the draft
reading be sure all doors and windows to the home
are closed. Record the draft reading_______. If this
reading is more than .1" lower than the unconnected
reading check for possible restrictions or the need
for outside air (see page 5).
Mobile Home Installation
When installing the Invincible RS in a mobile
home it is required that the stove be bolted to the
floor. This is usually done inside the pedistal base
where the bolt will not be visible and requires drill-
ing a hole where it is best suited.
Fig. 3
Fig. 2