You can program the soundbar so it will respond to your TV remote’s Power, Mute,
Volume Up, Volume Down and Source commands . This lets you control your whole
home theater system with a single remote . Before beginning to program the
soundbar, have your TV remote handy . We recommend sitting down in front of the
soundbar . The steps will time-out, so read through the entire procedure before you
begin .
To program the power command:
With the soundbar turned on, hold down the soundbar’s Power and Source
1 .
Selector (SRC) buttons together until all the soundbar button indicators flash . This
enters the learning mode .
Hold down
both buttons until
all indicators flash
Momentarily press the soundbar’s Power button . It will turn amber .
2 .
Aim the TV remote at the front of the soundbar from about 300mm-900mm
3 .
(about 12-36 inches) away .
Hold down the TV remote's Power button for one second, then release it . Do this
4 .
a total of four (4) times . When the soundbar has learned the power command,
its Power Indicator will turn blue, and the Surround Mode and Source Selector
Indicators will flash blue .
If the Power Indicator flashes amber, the procedure failed . Repeat Steps 1 – 4 .
To program the source, and volume – commands:
Follow Steps 1–4 as above, but in Steps 2 and 4, substitute the soundbar and TV
remote’s Source Selector and Volume Up/Down buttons for the Power buttons .
To program the mute command:
Follow Steps 1-4 as above, but in Step 2, hold down the soundbar's Power button for
2-3 seconds . In step 4, substitute the TV remote's Mute button for its Power button .
To erase all remote programming:
Hold down the soundbar's Surround Mode and Volume Up buttons at the same time
for 2-3 seconds .
Programming the Soundbar to Respond to Your TV Remote