Magnafire Series Coal Stoves
Whenever a loading door is opened, it should always
be cracked slightly to allow oxygen to enter and burn
any gasses that may be present. Failure to do this
may result in a sudden ignition of the gasses, leading
to an explosion.
a Stove should never be filled with excess coal to
where the exhaust is impeded. burning coal gener-
ates carbon monoxide. If the flue gas exit is blocked,
the carbon monoxide can be forced out of the stove
and into your living space, with fatal consequences.
With the exception of start-up or freshening a fire,
the ash pan door should never be left open. NeVer
leaVe THe SToVe UNaTTeNded WITH a door
oPeN. Serious damage to the stove can occur from
Coal stoves should not be installed in a chimney that
has a history of down-draft or flow reversal problems.
These conditions can cause improper draft, resulting
in carbon monoxide entering the living space rather
than being drawn up the chimney. reMeMber!
Coal GaSeS are ToXIC!
Sulfur dioxide, sulfur trioxide and other products of
coal combustion may corrode stainless steel and
masonry chimneys. Coal with high sulfur content will
destroy chimneys especially fast if soot is left in the
flue for extended periods. It is important to clean your
chimney regularly.
6. Maintenance
blower: Monthly, remove the blower and clean the
fan. If there are pets in your house, you may want to
check this more frequently.
Grates: Keep ash pan emptied. Twice a day.
Chimney and connector: avoid chimney fires. on a
regular schedule, check for creosote and soot build up
in the venting and the baffle area of the stove. These
areas must be kept clean.
Steel brushes are the safest for cleaning metal surfac-
es. Salt solutions and other chemicals may damage
the metal surfaces.
To clean the chimney, use a stiff brush with an extend-
able handle. Start the brush from the top of the chim-
ney and run it down through the flue. Continue brush-
ing until the entire length of the chimney is cleaned.
The debris will collect at the bottom of the chimney.
open the cleanout door or other access point and
sweep the collection into a metal container. The con-
nector pipe can be brushed also, remove it from the
stove if possible, to eliminate pushing the debris into
the stove’s spiral chamber.
Primary air enters
through the draft
Secondary air
enters through the
air -wash opening
in the glass frame.
This is the Spiral
Chamber which
must be cleaned
Ashes should be kept in a metal container with
a tight fitting lid. The closed container of ashes
should be placed on a non-combustible floor or
on the ground, well away from all combustible
materials, pending final disposal. If the ashes are
disposed of by burial in soil or otherwise locally
dispersed, they should be kept in the closed con-
tainer until all cinders have thoroughly cooled. Do
not use this same container for garbage, debris,
or lawn waste.