MKIV Ocean Unit 2
Feeder height
Max 46 9/32" (1175 mm)
Min 37 3/16" (945 mm)
Tack setback
1 5/8"
(40 mm)
8 3/16 "
(208 mm)
2 3/4"
(71 mm)
6 7/32"
(158 mm)
Max 14 1/8" (358 mm)
Min 10 15/16" (278 mm)
Max 6 1/2" (164 mm)
Min 2 3/4" (70 mm)
Max 12 5/8" (321 mm)
Min 9 1/2" (241 mm)
Luff Tape Length
Note feeder height and extend bottom of luff tape downward so it is below
feeder. This will prevent luff tape from catching in feeder as
sail is lowered.
Tack and Head Shackles
Make sure tack and head shackles fit sail
rings. Minimum inside dimensions of
standard head and tack shackles are:
(A) 11/2" (38 mm)
(B) 3/4" (18 mm)
Sun cover
Sun covers may be installed on either side of the sail.
Be sure to match other sails in the customer's inventory.
Long link plate note:
If a long link plate is used, add the following dimensions
to feeder, tack shackle, and drum height (based on whether plate is used
full-length or shortened to one of five hole positions). Do not add to halyard
swivel or top terminal dimensions.
5/8" (15.9 mm) Clevis pin
Add 16
" to 8
(408 mm to 210 mm)
3/4" (19.1 mm) Clevis pin
Add 13
" to 5
" (344 mm to 144 mm)
Luff Length
Note offsets above and below sail.
A shorter luff may be required if a halyard restrainer is necessary
(page 24) or a toggle or long toggle assembly is used to raise drum.
If luff of sail is not long enough to put halyard swivel near top of
headstay foil, a pendant must be added (see page 24).
Tack Setback
Note setback for tack shackle and cut the sail accordingly. Min is for eye/jaw
and jaw/jaw toggles. Max is for stud/jaw toggles. See long link plate note.
Luff Tape Size -6 (5 mm or 6/32")
J - Finished luff tape size: 5.5 mm (0.215")
K - Luff rope size: 4.8 mm (6/32", 3/16")
L - Max Ø in sail groove: 6.5 mm (0.26")
M - Gap in sail groove: 2.4 mm (0.096")
Dimensions/Sailmaker's Instructions