Maintenance,Inspection, and Storage
Periodically inspect components for wear, corrosion, and loosening. Replace as
necessary. Clean and inspect:
Fairlead and dowel pins
Adjuster line and splices
Frequently flush with fresh water. Periodically clean
with mild detergent and water solution. Flush with
fresh water. Avoid exposure to teak cleaner and other
caustic solutions.
Clean fairleads as above before storage. Store in a dry location.
M1024 08-18
For additional safety, maintenance, and warranty information see www.harken.com/manuals or the
Harken catalog.
Pass adjuster line through channel under dowel pins. Pass sheet through throat.
may be used to make the surface more slippery.
McLube is a registered trademark of McGee Industries, Inc.
SailKote is a trademark of McLube®, a Division of McGee Industries.
WARNING! Do not spray ring while it is on boat. McLube Sailkote
overspray will cause slippery decks which may result in loss of footing,
falling overboard and personal injury or death.