Tying Knots
Lashing at 90° – Block 90° to Bail
Run line through mouth, head, around bail, and back on the
Run line from mouth through head, around bail, and back on the
side for a second lap.
Secure with Carrick knot or other secure knot. Consult knot tying book or see www.harken.com/knots.
See www.harken.com/knots. Alternatively, consult a good knot tying book or consult a rigger.
Lashing at 0° – Block and Bail In-line
Run line through mouth, through head, around bail, and down on
side. Repeat so there are two laps.
Tie ends using a Carrick knot or other secure knot. Photo is not
intended to teach this knot. Consult knot tying book or see
Do not tie square knot or
“granny knot”. These can
Becket Options
Using Lashing Line as Becket
Starting through mouth, run line through head, around bail, through head, and through mouth. Loop line
once below block. Loop line a second time forming a becket. Run line through head, around bail, and
through mouth. Secure using Carrick knot or other secure knot. Consult knot tying book or see
Blocks 2161, 2171, 2173:
Use sailmaker’s twine or similar to secure lashing strands to head.
Lap on same side.
Blocks 2161, 2171, 2173:
Use needle and
sailmaker’s twine or similar to secure lashing
strands to head.
Blocks 2161, 2171,
Use sailmaker’s
twine or similar to
secure lashing strands
to head.
Lashing line used as becket - rigged
with sheet.
Securing Sheet Directly to Mouth as Becket
Pass sheet through mouth and secure with
bowline, splice, or whip line to itself. Consult
knot tying book or see www.harken.com/knots.
Using Sheet as Lashing and Becket
Do not use supplied HCP1438 line. Use a larger, stronger line that exceeds the block's breaking load to
account for loss of strength due to weakness of knots, UV damage or chafing. Run sheet through mouth,
head, around bail, and back through head. Leave tail below for tying or whipping to long section of line.
Run line back through mouth and secure to long section of line. Use bowline knot or whip lines together.
Blocks 2161, 2171, 2173:
Use sailmaker’s twine or similar to secure lashing strands to head.
Securing larger lashing line
to mouth and creating becket
Pass lashing through mouth
and crisscross it to create a
See 5:1 or 6:1 reeving at