• The Wood chip box rack (8) can be slid into the
lowest grid tracks.
• The wood chip box (9) sits in this rack over the
burner and the wood chip box lid (10) fits on top
of this.
• The water bowl (11) is slid into the grid tracks to
be supported above the wood chip box and lid.
Step 13
Locate: 2 x cooking racks (12).
Tools Needed: None
• Slide a cooking rack (12) into the grid tracks
to secure the cooking racks at the desired
Step 14
Locate: Zip Tie [7d]
Tools needed: None.
• Loop the Zip Tie [7d] through the outside hole of
the front smoker leg [6] as shown.
• Capture the gas hose with the zip tie to secure
it. Do not pull the zip tie too tight - it may
restrict gas flow through the hose.
The water bowl and wood chip box must
be inserted over the burner during
operation. This is to protect the burner
from falling particles, grease drippings
and accidental spill over from the water