Hardy H6800 Series Application Controllers User Guide
High pass
High pass threshold,
Low pass
Low pass threshold,
Low Fail
Weight above which the object is considered to have failed.
High Fail
Weight below which the object is considered to have failed.
Delay time
Time after the object moves onto the scale that the weight value might be unstable.
Check time
Time duration the object is expected to be on the scale. The time starts after the end of the programmed
delay time.
Hold time
Time that the check weigher value is held after the weight drops below the high threshold value.
Reject delay time
Time that the object is beyond the threshold times
Reject duration time
Time that the object is out of range for the duration of the time.
Belt control
Species whether the belt is under analog or digital control.
Range: Digital, Analog
Default: Digital
Belt speed
Speed of the conveyor belt, specified as a percentage.
Statistics total count
Quck Reference
This appendix provides quick reference information as well as I/I diagrams and drawings.
B.8 Sequential Batch Control
All HI6800 Series Application Controllers settings are application dependent, however these
are some common items that may help reduce setup times.
The HI6800 Series Application Controllers addendum on the 4050CW webpage has detailed
setup information.
Always use the Apply Edits
function to save and/or run. In many cases it is both.
Do a Calibration
— Allows you to get a proper range for setup.
Target weight
— Your desired weight. Sets a standard for the rest of the settings.
Low Threshold
— A number just slightly higher than the noise floor of the load cell.
High Threshold
— A trigger. Commonly 80-90% of the Target Weight.
Zone Settings
— Application dependent, however these settings determine the outcome
of the check weight. Always apply edits.
Check Delay
— Once the high threshold is reached, this timer starts. It is a time delay
until the unit starts taking weight readings. It is common to set the delay until the product is
stable on the scale. Commonly 300 to 2000ms.