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IEB-400 intercom Board 

Document IM-IEB-400-1.1 


Page 3 


MTA Pin 


1 LED- 
2 LED+ 
3 SWA- 
4 SWA+ 
5 SWB-- 
6 SWB 

7 SKR- 
8 SPK+ 

Table 2 CN2 header pin signals 

4. Mounting 


The IEB-400 has two holes separated by a distance of 2.13” (shown in Figure 1) that are used to mount the printed 
circuit board. Standoffs of 0.875” or greater should be used if the component side of the printed circuit board is 
facing the mounting surface. 

If the insulated version of the IEB-400 is ordered Velcro strips are used to hold the device in place. 


