100 Series Intercom Stations
Document IM- ICM-100-2.2
1998 Harding Instruments - Printed in Canada
MicroComm DXI
Intent & Scope
This document describes the installation procedure for the 100 series intercom stations.
The 100 series of intercom stations include all intercom stations that are designed to be connected to the system
via an SAB-100 station audio board. Each 100 series intercom station is connected to the system with a single
shielded twisted pair cable that carries all the microphone, loudspeaker, switch, and indicator signals.
Intercom Station - Rear View
The intercom stations are connected to the exchange with a single shielded twisted pair. The shields are all
grounded at the exchange end through the DB-50 connector and terminated through the BIX field interface block.
They are all left open at the intercom station end of the cable. Where the cable is connected to another cable the
shields must be continued from one cable to the other and care should be taken to ensure that the shields on the
different signal pairs are not connected together.
The connections to the intercom station are made with an AMP MTA-100 series connector. The intercom pair
should connect to pins 1 and 2 on the intercom station. To make these connections you should use an AMP tool
58074-1 with a 58246-1 head. The cable should be cut to length and the shield and outer jacket should be trimmed
pin 1