January 1, 2012
Installation guide Page
Before installing your solar system, contact local authorities to determine the necessary grounding. Attach all
module frames to an earth ground in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC 250). Model installed in
Canada shall be in accordance with CSA C22.1, Safety Standard for Electrical Installations, Canadian Electrical
Code, Part 1. Proper grounding is achieved by connecting the module frame(s) and structural members
contiguously one to another using a suitable "grounding conductor". The grounding conductor, or strap, may be
copper material acceptable for use as an electrical conductor per NEC. The grounding conductor must then make
a connection to earth using a suitable earth ground electrode. Ensure positive electrical contact through the
anodizing on the module's frame by utilizing one of the following grounding methods.
The Grounding method
Standard Grounding
Grounding Hole: 4Ø
Bolt: M4XL25
Nut: M4
Washer: M4 type
Torque: 3 ~ 5 Newton-meters.
Grounding Wire: 12 AWG
Correct wiring scheme
To minimize the risk of indirect lighting strike, avoid forming closed loops when designing the system. Check that
wiring is correct before starting the generator. If the measured open circuit voltage (Voc) and short-circuit
current (Isc) differ from the specifications, there may be a wiring fault.
Solar module plug connectors
All solar modules are equipped with solar cables with 4-6mm² serving a temperature range from -40°C to 90°C.
The cable length is 1000mm for both 60 & 72 series module, furthermore, customer also can specify the cable
length. The connectors have specified polarities; they are marked with ´+´ and ´-´ signs. Make sure that the
connection is safe and tight. Connectors should only be used to connect the circuit, but never used to turn the
circuit on or off.