PV modules generate electricity as soon as they are exposed to sunlight. One module generates a safe, extra-
low voltage level, but multiple modules connected in series (summing the voltage) or in parallel (summing
the current), represent a danger. The following points must be noted when handling the solar modules to
avoid the risk of fire, sparking, and fatal electric shock.
UnPaCKIng and storIng modULEs
Utmost attention is required when handling module(s). The following guidelines should be followed with
caution while unpacking, transporting, and storing the modules:
Do not insert any electrically conductive materials into the plugs or sockets.
Do not fit PV modules and wiring with wet plugs and sockets.
Make sure to use proper safety equipment (insulating tools and gloves, etc.) when wiring.
Make sure that the connection is made when the circuit is cut off.
Do not disconnect under load.
To avoid the generation of an electric arc, ensure the connectors are clean and have not been
contaminated,and that the electrical connection and mechanical joint are good.
Open the packaging with care, especially when handling sharp blades. Lift the modules out of
carton box with two or more persons.
Do not strike or physically damage the module.
Carry modules with proper method in order to avoid module breakage. Using both hands is
recommended. Do not use the junction box or the cables as a handle.
Place the module with proper support. Do not place modules on top of each other. Do not twist
the module.
Do not stand on the module.
Do not mark the rear of the module using sharp objects.