Hantek 1025G Arbitrary Waveform Generator has one channel of arbitrary waveform output,
12 Bits output, synchronized signal outputs, 1 channels of Counter/Frequency Measurement
inputs, 6 Bits input and external trigger input. User can edit the waveform arbitrarily by the
mouse or choose the regular waveforms such as Sine, Square, Tri-angle, Saw-tooth, TTL,
White Noise, Gauss Noise, Trapeze, Exponent, AM and FM. The parameters, such as
amplitude, frequency and offset, are also settable. The data format of Hantek 1025G is
completely compatible with that of Tektronix; it can directly read the waveform data files
produced by the Tektronix oscilloscope or Tektronix waveform editor software and redisplay
the waveform. Hantek 1025G adopts the DDS technology so that it has the advantages of
high frequency accuracy, high waveform resolution, high reliability, and wide software
support. It can widely use in the various kinds of electronics labs and it offers complete
interface for second time development to be pointlessly inserted into other auto-measuring