1. Remove protective cage/screws from frame (if present)
2. Discharge CRT monitor & remove Flyback cup from CRT
3. Remove PCB screws to chassis
4. Remove neck board
5. Unplug yoke wires from PCB
6. Remove degauss wires from PCB
7. Remove DAG strap (black) wires from neck board
8. Clean tube
9. Remove two center screws from each PCB
10. Remove plastic PCB clips from Flyback side
11. Remove plastic transistor cover (if present) from TR17
12. Desolder and remove TR17 (BU208A transistor)
13. Desolder and remove TR9 (HAN 20430430 transistor)
14. Remove Flyback screws from Flyback bracket and remove bracket
15. Desolder Flyback
Note pins 2 & 3 are not used
16. Remove ground wire from Interface board that is attached to the PCB chassis
17. Unplug green wire near ground from neck board
18. Unplug neck harness from Interface board and Deflection board
19. Desolder the following wires from the Interface board
a) SP13 (orange)
b) SP14 (yellow)
c) SP15 (red)
d) SP16 (brown)
e) SP18 (brown)
20. Clean PCBs
21. Replace components as necessary
Hantarex MTC-
900E 19” Disassembly Instructions
Hantarex MTC-
900E 19” Reassembly Instructions
1. Repeat the Disassembly Instruction in reverse order