2016 HansenCrafts LLC
April, 2016
Error indicators
The LED/pushbutton will blink if it detects an error; you can count the number of blinks to determine the type of error:
3 flashes (
Warning: Motor is operating at high load for this speed. (Excessive brake tension or drag).
4 flashes (
Motor turned off because it was overloaded for 3 minutes. See below
5 flashes (
Motor turned off because it was stalled or lugging down due to excessive brake tension for the
speed you are using or some other source of drag.
6 flashes (
Input voltage < 10 volts (wrong power supply, external battery at wrong voltage or discharged).
7 flashes (
): Input voltage > 15 volts (wrong power supply, external battery set at wrong voltage).
8 flashes (
): Motor controller overheated due to excessively high loads for a prolonged period.
Motor stops, slows down or gets hot
Your miniSpinner Pro is a precision machine, and when used properly will last a lifetime. It has plenty of power for normal
spinning and plying, but it is possible to overload it if you get carried away when plying, or if something is wrong. The speed
controller was designed to shut down if the motor is overloaded to prevent damage to the motor or the speed controller
circuitry. If this happens, the problem is usually excessive brake tension, though there are several possible causes.
Determine the cause and fix it before continuing.
If you continue to operate your miniSpinner while it is grossly
overloaded you may damage it. Contact us for help!
Brake tension is excessive
. Excessive braking requires the motor to work harder. Adjust the brake so the fiber is
taken up at the desired rate; no more. Remember to loosen the brake after filling a bobbin.
Something is causing the flyer or bobbin to bind.
Remove the drive band from the motor sheave and rotate the
flyer by hand. If it does not rotate freely, figure out why it is binding and fix it. Occasionally this will only happen
when plying (counterclockwise). See “Flyer Problems” below.
Check for fiber wrapped around the motor shaft
. Unplug your miniSpinner, remove the drive band from the
sheave, and use the pick from your miniSpinner Maintenance Kit to gently remove any fiber from this area.
Bobbin does not turn freely
Remove the brake band from the bobbin. The bobbin should rotate freely on the flyer shaft. It should have some
endplay; about 1/16” (1-2mm). If not, first check that the orifice end of the flyer is fully seated in the ball bearing.
If it isn’t, remove the flyer, apply Super Lube grease to the outside of the orifice tube, and reinstall the flyer.
If there is no endplay, you may need to adjust the latch. Use a Phillips screwdriver to loosen the screws holding the
latch to the base and slide the latch towards the rear. When properly adjusted, tighten the screws just enough so
that the latch does not slip. See
for detailed instructions.
If there is sufficient endplay but the bobbin is binding, remove the bobbin from the flyer shaft and check for fiber
build-up on the flyer shaft near the flyer or inside the bobbin itself.
The hole in the bobbin may have become smaller than it should be. Contact HansenCrafts.
Flyer Problems
Excess vibration; adjust unused yarn guide to balance the flyer. If one guide is removed, it will affect flyer balance.
Knocking noise or flyer “walks out” of the ball bearing at the orifice end of your miniSpinner. Remove the flyer,
smear a thin coat of Super Lube grease on the outside of the orifice tube, and reinsert it into the ball bearing.
If the yarn guide slips, be sure that the eye of the guide is on the side that's away from the orifice end. The yarn
guide will not stay in place if the eye is on the end of the guide closest to the orifice end of the flyer.