Specifications, Applications,
Service Instructions & Parts
Bulletin A100b
JAN 2009
For Refrigerants and
other Common Gases
Standard Gas Sensor
Standard Gas Sensor
Hansen Technologies offers a complete line of industrial
quality Gas Detection Sensors, Monitors and Aler t
Systems for refrigerants and other common gases.
These state-of-the-ar t gas detection products utilize a
range of sensing technologies to suit a given application.
Available in several configurations to meet various
application requirements with optimum accuracy and
Hansen Gas Sensors are suitable for use in industrial
r e f r i g e r a t i o n e n g i n e r o o m s , c o l d s to r a g e r o o m s ,
processing rooms, truck docks, and for relief valve vent
lines. They are also suitable for use in supermarkets,
and large institutional and commercial buildings.
Typical gas detection applications include Ammonia,
Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Hydrocarbons, HFCs, HCFCs
and CFCs.
Hansen uses a wide variety of sensing technologies
including electrochemical, semiconductor and infrared
sensors to selectively detect most gases. These sensors
continuously determine the level of gas present in the
surrounding environment. The analog outputs (4-20mA
or 0-10V DC) can inter face with nearly any existing
monitor, computer or PLC controller.
The sensing elements (except Basic and Extreme Gas
Sensors) are mounted externally on the enclosure. This
helps to provide quick response to potential leaks,
particularly in still air. Electronics are sealed in a NEMA4
enclosure (except Basic Gas Sensor) which protects them
from moisture, dust and the surrounding gases, which in
the case of ammonia can shorten the life of electronics.
The sensing elements are easily replaced.
Gas Sensors have built-in visual and audible alarms.
An auxiliar y one amp SPDT relay output is standard.
Testing and recalibration procedures are simple.
Accurate, fast responding
Linear 4-20mA or 0-10V DC output
Audible alarm
Power indicator
SPDT alarm relay (Fail Safe Operation)
24V AC/DC low voltage power
Shipped factor y calibrated and tested
CE approved
Visual alarm
Audible alarm
Power indicator
Low level alarm relay
High level alarm relay
Fault relay (HLM6 only)
CE approved
Provides local display and alarm based on
measured target gas level via gas sensor
Visual alarm, Amber LED light
Audible alarm (mutable)
Power indicator, Green
Numeric PPM reading
Bright LED Display
Shipped factor y calibrated and tested