Hansa C65RX O&M Manual
OM-029 First Release 4/05/2021
© Hansa Chippers 2021
Knife re-sharpening and knife replacement
How do I know that the knives need re-sharpening?
Chipper is vibrating excessively when processing material
Chipper is making more noise than usual when processing material
Rotor RPM is dropping more quickly than usual
Material comes out in long strips
Blunt knives will cause excessive vibration
Blunt knives result in damage to the chipper
How to re-sharpen the knives:
If you don’t have a surface grinder or are unsure how to re
-sharpen the knives, contact a professional saw doctor or Hansa to
arrange re-sharpening.
Tools and materials required for re-sharpening (approx. 40 mins):
24 mm ring spanner
19 mm ring spanner
16 mm ring spanner
14 mm Allen key
Torque wrench with a 24 mm socket and 16mm crows-foot wrench
A stick magnet (optional)
Surface grinder
Remove the knives for sharpening:
Open the rotor housing cover by removing
the two housing cover locking bolts with a 19
mm spanner, then lift the rotor housing cover
to access the cutting rotor. Rotate the cutting
rotor to gain access to the knives, then insert
the rotor pin (normally located under the
rotor cover pivot pin) into the housing and
through the cut-out in the rotor to lock it in
Using a socket and Allen key, remove the
three knife mounting bolts from each knife
To preserve the Allen key cut-out in
the bolt heads, loosen them by
turning the nut and holding the bolt
head stationary.
Be careful not to drop the bolts or
knives into the chipper.
A stick magnet can be used to retrieve
them if this does occur.
operate your chipper with blunt knives.
Be careful when working around the sharp knives.
locking pin