© Hansgrohe SE. All rights reserved
Hansgrohe Cleaning Recommendation
Today, modern sanitary and kitchen tapware, showers, accessories,
washbasins, tubs and radiators consist of very different materials
to comply with the needs of the market with regard to design and
To avoid damage and claims, it is necessary to consider certain criteria
when cleaning.
With regard to cleaning Hansgrohe products, the following points must be
• Only use cleaning material which is explicitly provided for this type of application.
• Never use cleaning materials, which contain hydrochloric acid, formic acid, chlorine bleaching
lye or acetic acid, as they cause considerable damage.
• Phosphorus acidic cleaners are only applicable under certain conditions.
• Mixing different cleaning agents is generally not permitted.
• Never use cleaning materials or appliances with an abrasive effect, such as unsuitable
cleaning powders, sponge pads or micro fi bre cloths.
• The instructions of the cleaning agent manufacturers have to be followed closely.
• Cleaning has to be carried out with a specifi ed dosage of cleaning detergent, for a suitable
limited time, object-related and adapted to the needs.
• Limescale has to be removed by regularly cleaning.
• When using spray cleaners, spray the cleaning solution onto a soft cloth or sponge, never
directly onto the Hansgrohe products, as the atomised spray could enter openings and gaps in
the product and cause damage.
• After cleaning, rinse thoroughly with clean water to remove any cleaner residue.
• The use of steam cleaners is not permitted. The high temperatures can damage the products.
Residues of toiletries such as liquid soaps, shampoos and shower gels, hair dyes, perfumes,
aftershave and nail varnish can also cause damage.
Components with damaged surfaces must be exchanged otherwise there could be a risk of
injury. Damage caused by improper treatment is not covered by our guarantee.
Removes lime scale deposits simply
by rubbing the fl exible silicone nubs.