Cleaning Recommendation for Hansgrohe Products
Modern lavatory faucets, kitchen faucets, and showers consist of very different materials to comply with the needs of
the market with regard to design and functionality. To avoid damage and returns, it is necessary to consider certain
criteria when cleaning.
Cleaning Materials for Faucets and Showers
�cids are a necessary ingredient of cleaning materials for removing lime, however please pay attention to the follow-
ing points when cleaning faucets and showers:
Only use cleaning materials which are explicitly intended for this type of application.
�ever use cleaning materials which contain hydrochloric, formic, phosphoric, or acetic acid, as they cause
considerable damage.
�ever mix one cleaning material with another.
�ever use cleaning materials or appliances with an abrasive effect, such as unsuitable cleaning powders, sponge
pads, or micro fiber cloths.
Cleaning Instructions for Faucets and Showers
Please follow the cleaning material manufacturer’s instructions. In addition, pay attention to the following points:
Clean the faucets and showers as and when required
Use the amount of cleaning product and the amount of time recommended by the manufacturer. Do not leave the
cleaner on the fixture longer than necessary.
Regular cleaning can prevent calcification.
When using spray cleaners, spray first onto a soft cloth or sponge. �ever spray directly onto the faucet as drop-
lets can enter openings and gaps and cause damage.
�fter cleaning, rinse thoroughly with clean water to remove any cleaner residue.
Residues of liquid soaps, shampoos, and shower foams can also cause damage, so rinse with clean water after using.
Please note:
if the surface is already damaged, the effect of cleaning materials will cause further damage.
Components with damaged surfaces must be replaced or injury could result.
Damage caused by improper treatment is not covered under the warranty.
Recommandations pour le nettoyage des produits Hansgrohe
Les robinetteries modernes de lavabo, de cuisine et de douche utilisent des matériaux tr�s différents pour répondre aux
besoins du marché en termes de conception et de fonctionnalité. Certaines r�gles de base doivent �tre respectées lors
Certaines r�gles de base doivent �tre respectées lors
Certaines r�gles de base doivent �tre respectées lors
du nettoyage de ces produits afin d’éviter de les endommager ou d’avoir à les retourner.
Produits de nettoyage pour robinetteries et douches
Les acides sont une partie intégrante nécessaire de tous les produits de détartrage; il faut cependant prendre les
précautions suivantes lors du nettoyage des robinets et des douches :
�’utilisez que des produits/articles de nettoyage conçus spécifiquement pour les articles de robinetterie et de
�’utilisez jamais de produits/articles de nettoyage contenant de l’acide chlorhydrique, formique, phosphorique
ou acétique car ils pourraient causer des dommages considérables.
�e mélangez jamais deux produits de nettoyage.
�’utilisez jamais de produits/articles de nettoyage de nature abrasive tels que poudres de nettoyage, tampons-
éponge ou chiffons microfibre non appropriés.