Maintenance & Care
Cleaning, calibrating, and appropriate storage are essential for accurate readings and extend the life of the probes.
General Maintenance
• Inspect, clean, and calibrate the probe at regular intervals.
• Inspect all connectors for corrosion and replace if necessary.
• Inspect the cable. The connection cable must be intact.
• Calibrate the probe after prolonged storage or cleaning.
• After use rinse the probe with tap water and dry it.
pH conditioning
• Remove the protective cap.
• Shake down the probe to eliminate any air bubbles inside the glass bulb.
• If the bulb and/or junction are dry, soak the electrode in
Storage solution for at least 30 minutes.
• To ensure a quick response time, the glass bulb and the junction should be kept moist and not allowed to dry.
pH cleaning
new probe
• Remove the protective cap.
• Rinse off salt deposits with water.
probe removed from tank
1. Rinse the sensor in flowing water then
clean by soaking
Electrode cleaning solution for general
use for 15 minutes or use an application‑specific cleaning solution.
2. Rinse with water and soak in
Storage solution for at least 30 minutes before reinstalling it.
3. Calibrate before use.
• When the probe is removed from the tank for more than 1 h, fill the protective cap with
solution and tighten the cap on the sensor.
• Do not store the probe in distilled or deionized water.
Conductivity probe cleaning
• To help control algae growth, clean the probe with
General cleaning solution on a
weekly basis
• Monthly, a more thorough cleaning of the EC sensor with a non‑abrasive detergent is advised.
• Inspect the inside portion of the probe, where the two electrodes (prongs) are, is free of foreign material.
• If any solids are detected in this area, use a soft material such as cotton swabs, to dislodge the material.
Pass repeatedly the cotton swab between the two pins and inner surface.
• Rinse under a stream of running tap water (and jet the stream into the cell) to remove salt or mineral coatings.
• Shake excess water from the probe.
• Recalibrate: place the probe into EC calibration standard.
• Store the probe clean.