Proper mixing is very important for reproducibility of the measurements. The proper
mixing technique is listed in the method procedure.
(a) Invert the cuvette a couple of times or for a specified time: hold the cuvette in the
vertical position. Turn the cuvette upside-down and wait for all of the solution to
flow to the cap end, then return the cuvette to the upright vertical position and
wait for all of the solution to flow to the cuvette bottom. This is one inversion.
The correct speed for this mixing technique is 10-15 complete inversions in 30
seconds. This mixing technique is indicated with “invert to mix” and the following
(b) The mixing method is indicated with “swirl“ using one of the following icons:
In order to avoid reagent leaking and to obtain more accurate measurements,
close the cuvette first with the supplied HDPE plastic stopper
and then the
black cap.