11. Tap
to have calibration accepted and saved, and return to calibration setting screen.
Options: Direct, Direct/Autohold
• Direct
: sample measurements are displayed continuously.
• Direct/Autohold
: reading is displayed when measurement stability is reached. A measurement that has not
reached equilibrium will not be used. After stability criteria is reached, the meter enters Direct/Autohold mode.
When to measure conductivity instead of resistivity
Resistivity is the reciprocal of conductivity and their scales emphasize different areas of the measurement range.
• Resistivity (set as Reading parameter) is commonly used in ultrapure water
• Conductivity (set as Reading parameter) is suitable for measuring larger amounts of contaminants.
Users can subsequently change Reading parameter to Resistivity to measure in resistivity units (MΩ•cm).
Recommended temperature compensation setting for these type of measurements is
as it utilizes
the correct compensation algorithm.
1. Connect the probe to the meter. Only work with recently calibrated probes.
2. Use the
electrode holder for easy transfer in and out of containers during calibration and sample
3. Ensure plastic bung is removed prior to taking measurements.
To limit sample contamination, pour 2 beakers of calibration standards. Use one beaker to rinse the sensor,
and another one for measurement.
4. Ensure the vent holes are completely submerged.
5. Tap the probe to remove any air bubbles that may be trapped inside the sleeve.
Use the same size beaker and immersion depth for samples and calibration standards.
6. If measuring across a temperature gradient, allow the sensor to reach temperature equilibrium. If using
manual temperature compensation, input the sample temperature.
7. Once the reading indicates Stable, record measurement data.