For indexing one cuvet or matching multiple cuvets, the continuous reading mode is suggested. In this
mode multiple successive readings are taken without turning off the lamp. The turbidity is immedi-
ately displayed, reducing considerably the measurement time.
: The instrument can not perform continuous readings if the average mode is on.
In order to index a cuvet follow the next steps:
• Fill the cuvet with high quality water (<0.1 NTU)
up to the 10 mL mark.
• Clean and oil the cuvet as described before.
• Turn the instrument ON.
• Insert the cuvet into the instrument and press
” functional key. Record the reading.
• Open the instrument lid, slightly rotate the cuvet
and take a new reading.
• Repeat the last step until you read the lowest NTU value.
• Alternatively, keep the “
” functional key pressed to make continuous readings. After the
first value is displayed, open the lid and start rotating the cuvet until the lowest NTU value is