Hangar 9 Ultra Stick 40 ARF Assembly Manual
Step 2
Position the wing bolt plate on the wing, aligning the holes
with those in the wing. Trace the outline of the plate onto the
wing using a felt-tipped pen. Use a hobby knife and #11 blade
to trim the covering from the wing 1/16-inch (1.5mm) inside
the line drawn.
Step 3
Use 30-minute epoxy to glue the wing bolt plate to the wing.
Use low-tack tape to keep the plate secure while the epoxy
cures. Use a covering iron to apply the covering over the seam
between the wing panels.
Step 4
Use 30-minute epoxy to glue the wing dowels in the leading
edge of the wing. Position them so they protrude 1/2-inch
(13mm) from the leading edge.
: Add a radius to the front edge of the dowels to
make it easier to install them in the fuselage.