Hangar 9 Saratoga Assembly Manual
Step 20
With the radio system on, thread the clevis on the elevator
pushrod so the elevator is in alignment with the stabilizer
when the clevis is attached to the center hole of the control
horn. Use a ruler to verify the alignment between the
stabilizer and elevator. Make sure to slide the clevis retainer
onto the clevis prevent it from opening accidentally
Step 21
Repeat Steps 18 and 19 to connect the rudder pushrod to
the center hole of the rudder control horn.
Aileron Servo Installation
Required Parts
Wing panel (right and left)
Servo w/hardware (2)
Clevis (2)
Clevis retainer (2)
Pushrod keeper (2)
-inch (117mm) pushrod wire
6-inch (152mm) servo extension (2)
Tools and Adhesives
Phillips screwdriver: #1
Thin CA
Drill bit: 5/64-inch (2mm)
Pin drill
Step 1
Insert the rubber grommets and brass eyelets into the
servos. Prepare two servos at this time. Secure a 6-inch
(152mm) servo extension to the servo lead of the aileron
servo using string or a commercially available connector.