T hank you for choosin g the DVTH132, a programmable
thermostat that provides both energy savings and total
DAY/H OUR/MIN —Set the day and clock settings.
PGM—Program the schedule (progra ms).
MODE—Select the ope rating mode .
RETURN—To exit a function.
To configure temperature setpoints:
Economy and
Vaca tion.
Adjust the floor temperature limit (AF only).
—Increase and decrease temperature.
—Indicates the number of the curren t
program when Automatic mode is enab led.
Current operating mode (a uto
manual ). In
Auto mode, the program’s associated setpoint icon is
also displayed (
Indica tes the room OR floor temperature.
Heating indicators (see “Temperature Control”
DVTH1 32-A
This model h as been desi gned to control a room’s ambi-
ent tempe rature.
DVT H132-A has one temperature sensor loca ted
in the control module.
This model is designed to use a floor sensor to co ntrol the
room tempe rature.
DVTH132-AF has two temperature sensors:
T he first one, inst alled in the control module, controls
the a mbient temperature.
T he seco nd one , inst alled in the fl oor (and connected
to the power b ase), limits the temp erature of the floor
(the default settin g of this limit is 28°C).
DVTH1 32-F
This model is designed to co ntrol floor hea ting systems.
DVT H132-F ha s one temperature sensor inst alled
in the floor (sensor is connected to the powe r base).
DVTH 132 has two switche s, located on the upper-left
part on the rea r of the control module, which are used to
set the fo llowing options:
Early Start
When the Early Start function is en abled (disabled by
default), DVTH132 calculates the optimum system start
time to obtain the d esired temperature by the se t time. To
enable this function:
Po sition switch #1 down .
Whe n this function is enabled, the
system can be activated before the pro-
gram’s start time.
Tempera tur e Dis pla y
By de fault, DVT H132 displa ys the temperature in °C. If
you wish to change to °F:
Po sition switch #2 up.
When you switch from °C to °F or vice
versa , the
, a nd
setpoi nts must be
Control Module
Owner’s Guide
DVTH132 Description
Models Overview
Configure the Switches
Align the b racket t abs o n the control module with th e
holes loca ted on top of the po wer base.
T his co ntrol module must be i nstalled on a PB1 30 series
power base.
Keep the thermostat's air vents clean and free from
The screw cannot be removed completely .
On the first inst allation, the screen displays:
0:00 , MO,
and temperature (room/flo or).
For Fl oo r He ating Installation s:
One of the two following messages may be dis-
played when a probl em occurs:
: T he floor temperature is below 0°C,
the temperature sensor is de fective, or not
T he heating indicator
is displaye d and
the rela y is close d (energized).
: T he floor temperature is abo ve
60°C , or the temperature sensor is
Set t he time (HOUR - MI N).
Set the day (DAY ).
If you remove the module from it s base for more than
2 hours, the time and day will have to be reprogramme d.
and Econo my
Set point s
Th ese setp oints are associat ed with the schedule’s pro-
grams (prog. 1 & 3 = Comfort, prog . 2 & 4 = Economy)
and are preprogrammed as fol lows:
A & AF mode ls—
20°C, 18°C
F mode l—
28°C, 20°C
To modify a set point:
Set the temperature using
and press and hold the
button until it is displ ayed on the screen .
Press MODE/RETURN to exit.
Vacat ion Set point
Th e vaca tion se tpoint is associated to the V acation oper-
ating mode an d is preprogrammed to 10 °C. T o modify this
setpoint, repeat above step s.
Floo r Temperat ure Se tpoin t (AF mode l on ly )
Th e floor temperature limit is preprogrammed to 28 °C to
avoid damage to your floor.
To modify, p ress the a djustment button (bel ow
) using a
pointed object, set the de sired temperature using
press MODE/RETURN to exit.
DVT H132 o ffers three operating modes:
Au toma tic
Exe cutes the sche dule.
P ress MO DE to select
. T he c urrent
program number is displaye d.
You can temporarily byp ass th e current
program b y settin g a spec ific temperature setpoin t
or by sele cting one of the pre-defined setpoin t
buttons (
). Th e new se tpoint will be maint ained
until the beg inning of the next program.
—Maintains a constant temperature.
P ress MO DE to select
Se t tempera ture
or select one of the pre-
defined se tpoint buttons (
Vaca tion
—Maintains the Vacation setpoint
during a prolonged ab sence.
Pr ess .
Install the Control Module
Power base
Control module
Air vent s
Air vent s
First Power ON
Set the Time and Day
Adjust the Temperature Setpoints
Select the Operating Mode
DVK 132-000-A