Run <Memo> program and select [New...] before scanning.
Scanned barcode informaton is appeared in [New] file.
The scanned barcode is automatically saved in [Memo].
The barocode information will not be saved if close [Memo]
program without saving.
Select <Menu> from <Memo> program, and select [Attach}
to save the scanned barcode.
To use a barcode in a specific program, contact the manufacturer of
the specific program.
Using scanner
Press the [Front Scanner] or [Side Scanner] button to start scan a barcode.
The scanned barcode information is automatically saved in the PDA.
Checking the scanned barcode information
Scanning Barcode
To scan a barcode, keep a distance of about 10 cm between the barcode and the
barcode scanner window and scan the barcode at the correct angle.
8 Using Scanner