Heat he
500001170/K Lighting the boiler
1) Refer to figure 8.1 for an overview of the control panel & what the push buttons do.
2) Ensure that both gas & electrical supplies are isolated (off) from the boiler.
3) Disconnect the electrical plug to the gas valve.
3) Turn on the gas valve (See fig 7.2.1) and boiler electrical supply. The boiler will display the screen of Fig 7.3.1.
A gas supply pressure above 12.5 mbar will remove the Low Gas
Pressure block on operation (indicated by the flashing ’E132’) and in place
of this code the present time is displayed.
The difference between a ‘block ‘ & ‘lockout’ is a block on operation occurs
with a non safety critical fault condition. The boiler then automatically
restarts on removal of the fault. A ‘lockout’ requires the boiler to be manually
reset after a safety critical fault has been removed.
4) Check and adjust if necessary the low gas inlet pressure switch located on the side of the boiler gas valve.
5) To initiate the start-up sequence, press the ‘Mode’ button to start desired
operation. The boiler will go through the start-up sequence provided the
remote on/off contact is made and or the BMS system is in demand.
6) Check that the Hot Surface Ignitor begins to glow, by looking inside the
boiler through the oval viewing window within the recess at the top right
hand side of the boiler. (At this point , no gas is present in the boiler so no
ignition occurs).
7) On failure to sense presence of a flame the boiler will display a flashing
Error code of 133, before making a second ignition attempt. The boiler will
then go to lockout. The boiler will display the screen of Fig 7.3.3.
8) Carefully reconnect the electrical plug to the gas valve and secure with
the appropriate screw(s).
9) Turn on the gas and electrical supplies to the boiler & press the ‘Reset’ button to remove the ‘lock-out’
condition. The boiler will commence the ignition sequence. This time when the gas valve is energised, the gas will
At the end of the 5 second ignition proving period, the hot surface
igniter will be switched off and the fascia display will show a flame symbol to
the left hand side of the temperature displayed. See Fig 7.3.4
After a period of 15 seconds the fan will alter speed and the burner
modulation will be set according to the heat load.
If after the 10 second flame proving period the flame signal is below
3µA the boiler will shut down and attempt one restart.If unsuccessful the
boiler will display an error code of E128.
10) Check the flame ionisation signal generated whilst the boiler is firing. This can be viewed directly from the
display by accessing information level C1. The value is set to read dc
A. Refer to
section 8.2 - Controls
Fig 7.3.2 - Low Gas Inlet Pressure Switch
Fig 7.3.1 - Boiler Display With Low Inlet Gas Pressure Error
Fig 7.3.3 - Boiler Display With Low Inlet Gas Pressure
Fig 7.3.4 - Display For Boiler Ignition