User Guide
HR2-320 (pg 4)
Seed Bead
References and Readings
1. Stura, E.A., Wilson, I.A., Methods: A Companion to Methods in Enzymol-
ogy, 1, pages 38-49 (1990).
2. Nucleic Acids and Proteins: A Practical Approach, Oxford University
Press, pages 99-126 (1992).
3. Luft, J.R., DeTitta, G.T. Acta Cryst. (1999). D55, 988-993.
4. J.R. Luft and G.T. DeTitta, Methods in Enzymology, 276, 110-131 (1997).
5. Gregory Ireton and Barry Stoddard. Microseed matrix screening to im-
prove crystals of yeast cytosine deaminase. Acta Crystallographica sec-
tion D60 (2004) 601–605.
6. Allan D’Arcy, Frederic Villard, May Marsh. An automated microseed ma-
trix-screening method for protein crystallization. Acta Crystallographica
section D63 (2007) 550–554.
7. Galina Obmolova, Thomas J. Malia, Alexey Teplyakov, Raymond Sweet
and Gary L. Gilliland. Promoting crystallization of antibody–antigen
complexes via microseed matrix screening. Acta Crystallographica Sec-
tion D66 (2010) 927–933.
8. Patrick D. Shaw Stewart, Stefan A. Kolek, Richard A. Briggs, Naomi E.
Chayen and Peter F.M. Baldock. Random Microseeding: A Theoretical
and Practical Exploration of Seed Stability and Seeding Techniques for
Successful Protein Crystallization. Cryst. Growth Des., 2011, 11 (8), pp
9. Terese Bergfors. Seeds to Crystals. Journal of Structural Biology, 142
(2003), 66 - 76.
10. Transmission electron microscopy for the evaluation and optimi-
zation of crystal growth. Hilary P. Stevenson & Guillermo Calero
et al. Acta Cryst. (2016) D72, 603-615.
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Technical Support
Inquiries regarding the Seed Bead kit and general inquiries regarding crystal-
lization are welcome. Please e-mail [email protected].
Solutions for Crystal Growth