About this instruction manual:
This instruction manual contains information about the installation,
operation and maintenance of the appliance and should be used as a
source of information and reference guide. Awareness of the safety
instructions and instructions for use in this manual will ensure the safe and
correct use of the appliance.
In addition to the information given here, you should comply with any local
Health and Safety Controls and generally applicable safety regulations.
The instruction manual forms part of the product and should be kept near
the appliance and easily accessible for anyone carrying out the
installation, servicing, and maintenance or cleaning.
In addition to the information given here, you should comply with any local
Health and Safety Controls and generally applicable safety regulations.
The instruction manual forms part of the product and should be kept near
the appliance and easily accessible for anyone carrying out the
installation, servicing, and maintenance or cleaning.
Read the instruction manual carefully before using the appliance.
The user’s manual should be kept near the appliance, easily accessible for
anyone operating the unit. We reserve the right to make technical
changes for purposes of developing and improving the product.
This section provides an overview of all important safety aspects.
Attention should be paid to all symbols, markers and labels on the device,
which must be kept in a prominent location. Following all the important
safety advice will protect against all hazards as well as the operation of
the unit.
This device is designed in accordance with the presently applicable
technological standards. However, the device can pose a danger if
handled or operated improperly and inappropriately.
Knowing the contents of the user’s manual as well as avoiding mistakes
and operating this device safely is essential to protect yourself from the
hazards. To prevent hazards and to ensure optimum efficiency, no
modifications or alterations to the device that are not explicitly approved
by the manufacturer can be undertaken. This device may only be
operated in safe condition following the user’s manual