ID-O-Matic II Manual
Page 13 of 14
Fixing R10:
The Rev. A printed circuit board has an error in the connection of R10. If you plan to use R10 to key a
handheld, you will need to cut a trace and make a connection to the drain of Q4. The diagram below
shows the trace to be cut and the connection to be made. This view shows the circuit board with the
bottom side facing up. Before making any changes, make you have your board with the solder side facing
you (white printing down) and oriented as shown in the diagram below.
Carefully cut the indicated trace with a knife or Dremel tool with a small burr. Be sure to remove a
couple millimeters of the copper trace so that you have it completely separated. The easiest way to make
the new connection is to scrape off a little of the green solder mask from the remaining copper trace, then
use a cut-off resistor lead to connect it to the desired pad of Q4. This is where you will really want to use
a good quality soldering pencil with a fine pointed tip (and probably a magnifier as well).