Subject to change without notice
5 . M o d u l e R e p l a c e m e n t
Figure 5-12: View of the CRT module
The CRT module can now be removed out of the chassis. Lift
the CRT module at the position of the two mounting nuts M1
and M2 upwards and then push the module backwards, to lift
it fi nally at the front chassis. Caution with the rubber part!
5.14.2 Installing the new CRT Module
Place the rubber part into the front chassis and push the
CRT module down with its screen side at the front chassis
top fl ange.
Push the CRT module into the rubber and then into the
bracket at the back.
Fix the hex nuts M1 and M2 as shown in Fig. 5-12. Use the
jaw wrench size 5.5 mm, tool A9, install the CPU board (see
parapgraph 5-5-2).
Connect the ribbon cables and the wires to the CPU
Install the XYZ module (see paragraph 5.2.2)
Take the HM5014-2 into operation (see paragraph 5.18).
5.15 Replacement of the RF Input
TG connector
5.15.1 Removal of the the RF Input Connector
Remove the front cover (see paragraph 5.12.1) Unscrew the
SMA nut from the semi rigid cable SiC2 (see fi gure 5-9) . Un-
screw the two mounting screws of the RF input connector / TG
connector (see fi gure 5-11)
5.15.2 Installing the new RF Input Connector
Insert the two mounting screws of the RF input connec-
tor (see fi gure 5-9). Screw the SMA nut from the semi rigid
cable SiC2 (see fi gure 5-9). Install the front cover (see para-
graph 5.12.2).
5.16 Replacement of the
5.16.1 Removal of the the Test Signal Connector
Remove the front cover (see paragraph 5.12.1) Unsolder the
coaxial cable at the rear of the BNC-connector. Unscrew the
mounting nut of the test signal connector (see fi gure 5-11).
5.16.2 Installing the new Test Signal Connector
Screw the two mounting screws of the test signal connector
(see fi gure 5-11). Fix the new BNC connector with the hex nut
and solder the coaxial cable to the terminals. Install the front
cover (see paragraph 5.12.2).
5.17 Replacement of the
Power Probe Plug
The probe power plug is a part of the key board, see para-
graph 5.11.
5.18 Putting the Instrument
Connect the open instrument to mains/line and switch it on.
For a fi rst check perform the adjustment and or test proce-
dure as indicated in table 5-1 for the corresponding module
which was replaced.
5.19 Completing the Instrument
Mount the housing by pushing it forwards to the front of the ins-
trument. Take care that the holes for the handle are close to the
front and the base is at the bottom. Screw the crosshead screw
as shown in fi gure 5-3 and install the rear cover (see paragraph
5.20 Final Performance Test
For the fi nal performance test the instrument must be com-
pleted and,
, allow a minimum warm up ti-
me of 30 minutes at ambient temperature. After that warm up
time start with the required adjustments as indicated in table
5-1. For the proper instructions to perform adjustments see
chapter 3. After successful adjustment all performance tests
as described in chapter 2 have to be executed.