16 HM8122
General Information
The operator should not neglect to carefully read the
following instructions, to avoid any operating errors and to
be fully acquainted with the instrument when later in use.
After unpacking the instrument, check for any mechanical
damage or loose parts inside. Should there be any
transportation damage, inform the supplier immediately
and do not put the instrument into operation.
Every instrument is manufactured and tested according
to IEC 348 Part1 and 1a (Safety requirements for electronic
test and measurement equipment). All case and chassis
parts are connected to the safety earth conductor.
Corresponding to Safety Class 1 regulations (three
conductor AC power cable). Without an isolating
transformer the instrument must be plugged into an
approved three contact electrical outlet, which meets
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) safety
Any interruption of the protective conductor inside
or outside the instrument or disconnection of the
protective earth terminal is likely to make the
instrument dangerous. Intentional interruption is
The instrument must be disconnected and secured against
unintentional operation if there is any suggestion that safe
operation is not possible. This may occur:
if the instrument has visible damage,
if the instrument has loose parts,
if the instrument does not function,
after long storage under unfavourable circumstances
(e.g. outdoors or in moist environments),
after excessive transportation stress (e.g. in poor
When removing or replacing the metal case, the instrument
must be completely disconnected from the mains supply.
If any measurement or calibration procedures are
unavoidable on the opened-up instrument, these must be
carried out only by qualified personnel acquainted with the
danger involved.
Symbols As Marked on Equipmen
Danger - High voltage
Protective ground (earth) terminal
ATTENTION - refer to manual
The max. permissible external voltage applied
between inputs and outputs against ground is 42V.
Before being shipped, each instrument must pass a 24
hour quality control test. Provided the instrument has not
undergone any modifications HAMEG warrants that all
products of its own manufacture conform to HAMEG
specifications and are free from defects in material and
workmanship when used under normal operating
conditions and with the service conditions for which they
were furnished.
The obligation for HAMEG shall expire two (2) years after
delivery and is limited to repairing, or at its option, replacing
without charge, any such product which in HAMEGs sole
opinion proves to be defective with the scope of this
This is HAMEGs sole warranty with respect to the products
delivery hereunder. No statement, representation,
agreement or understanding, oral or written, made by an
agent, distributor, representative or employee of, which is
not contained in this warranty will be binding upon HAMEG,
unless made in writing and executed by an authorized
HAMEG employee. HAMEG makes no other warranty of
any kind whatsoever, expressed or implied, and all implied
warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular
use which exceed the aforestated obligation are hereby
disclaimed by HAMEG be liable to buyer, in contract or in
tort, for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential
damages, espresses, losses or delays however caused.
In case of any complained, attach a tag to the instrument
with a description of the fault observed. Please supply
name and department, address and telephone number to
ensure rapid service.
The instrument should be returned in its original packaging
for maximum protection. We regret that transportation
damage due to poor packaging is not covered by this
This instrument is intended for connection to 220V or
110V, 50/60Hz mains input voltage. Before installing the
instrument, ensure that it is set to the local line voltage.
On delivery the unit is set to either 110V or 220V, as
indicated on the line voltage selector on the rear panel. If
the line voltage setting is incorrect, set the line voltage
selector in accordance with the local line voltage before
connecting the instrument to the line.
The instrument is protected by two primary fuses. These
have to be changed when the line voltage changes. For
220V use 0.315A delayed action fuses and for 110V use
0.63A delayed action fuses. Remove the line plug before
fitting the fuses. Ensure that only fuses of the specified
type are used.
Subject to change without notice
To receive a calibration and/or repair quote-RMA from R.A.E. Services Inc.
Click here>> www.raeservices.com/services/quote.htm
NIST, ISO, IEC, ANSI, NCSL, MIL-STD by www.raeservices.com