C9300-201 Ver.1.2
9-3-5-2 Timing chart
The timing signal for shifting CCD electric charge to vertical shift register is output from the
camera through pin No. 3 of TIMING I/O (6 pin) connector on the rear panel of the camera. The
output signal is a TTL level. Refer to the timing chart.
[Timing chart]
160 ns
22.34 µs
0.4 µs
22.5 µs
600 ns
33.3 ns
21.9 µs
Less than 100 ns is possible.
Frame 2 integration
Frame 1 integration
External trigger pulse from outside
(pin No.1 of TIMING I/O)
Camera trigger out
(pin No.3 of TIMING I/O)
SG signal to the CCD
Internal signal
Laser pulse
Exposure time is first set by EST command while in external edged trigger mode. Minimum
exposure time (21.9 µs) is obtained by the setting, EST 1 and TNS 2. This timing chart shows
the fastest speed mode.
On the falling edge of an external trigger plus the camera starts the first frame exposure with a
600 ns delay time. The first frame exposure time is set by the command of EST n. If n=1 and
TNS 2, the exposure time is 21.9 µs. The total time until finishing one frame exposure is
therefore 22.5 µs. The camera outputs the end of exposure signal as a camera trigger output.
From this signal it is known when first frame exposure is finished. After the falling edge of
camera trigger out signal the next frame integration starts immediately.
From this timing, you can make the timing between two laser pulse as short as possible. To
increase the 1 frame exposure time, EST n may be increased in increments of 13.5 µs at 1×1