7. Programming the CallBlocker
The CallBlocker makes a difference between blocking an entire range of telephone numbers
(for example, prefixes) or only certain telephone numbers.
The prefixes 0190 and 0900 are already blocked. This prevents value-added services, which are often
unserious providers, scam operators or automatic diallers. If you only want protection from these types
of numbers, you do not need to take any additional steps. The factory-set blocks already prevent this.
You can plug in the CallBlocker without having to do any programming.
Beginning programming
The programming switch must be set to PROGR. EIN. See section 5.
Always enable emergency numbers!
Programming always begins with the password and then the required command. The password is
factory-set to 0000 and can be changed as desired. Always press the pound key "##" twice before
entering the password and once afterwards. The pound key is next to the 0.
These instructions always assume the password is 0000. Please take this into account if you have
changed the password.
You will use the number keys 0 through 9, the pound key “#” and star key "*".
The CallBlocker must be connected to the telephone network. Use the telephone connected to it to
make entries. (Touchtone devices only!! - You can recognizes touchtone phones by listening to the
tones in the receiver when dialling. See also the telephone's manual.)
List of all commands: (list = entries in memory)
“x” stands for the digits of the prefixes or numbers. “x” can have from 1 to 11 digits.
Always enter the code first.
Enable this prefix or number
Block this prefix or number
Delete this number from the respective list
(number means either prefix only or prefix and number
Avec telephone number)
Delete all prefixes from the list
Delete all numbers from the list
Once you begin making entries, you will also hear tones or error messages (announcements) from the
telephone network in addition to the CallBlocker's acknowledgement signals. Ignore them and continue
making entries.
a) Blocking prefixes (prefixes have 1 to 4 digits)
Example: You would like to block the prefix 038.
To do so:
Pick up the receiver
Enter password ##0000 (dial tone) # (dial tone)
Set the prefix block to 038: 038# (dial tone)
Hang up the receiver or enter additional commands beginning with the password
Prefix 038 is now blocked. No numbers beginning with 038 can be dialled.
5. Connecting the CallBlocker (by qualified technicians only)
The surface-type CallBlocker corresponds to the size and connections of a normal surface-type TAF
socket. The CallBlocker can replace the TAE socket.
Remarque : The following steps may be performed by qualified technicians only.
Removing the existing surface-type TAE socket:
Loosen the cover screw using an appropriate screwdriver.
Then carefully remove the cover.
Loosen the 2-wire cable on the screw terminal of the TAE socket.
Loosen the screws that go into the wall and remove the TAE socket.
Attaching the CallBlocker:
Mount the CallBlock on the wall in place of the TAE socket. Carefully tighten the screws.
Connect the 2-wire cable to screw terminals 1 and 2 of the CallBlocker.
Make sure that the programming switch is set to PROGR. AUS.
Place the cover back on the CallBlocker and carefully tighten the screw.
Connect the terminals you want to be protected (telephone, fax or modem) to the CallBlocker outputs
marked N and F.
Please note that only terminals that are connected to the CallBlocker outputs are protected. If you
would like to block more than one jack or output of a PABX, you need more than one CallBlocker.
This surface-type CallBlocker does not have a W or E-core.
6. Programming switch
The CallBlocker has a programming switch (see figure in section 5).
This safety switch protects against unwanted access (PROGR. AUS switches off change settings
function). It prevents the connected or outside terminals from manipulating the CallBlocker by changing
the settings.
We recommend sliding the switch to PROGR. AUS after programming.
If someone attempts to enter the access code (password) while the switch is set to PROGR AUS, the
CallBlocker responds immediately with a paired tone. It does not allow the code to be entered.
Screw clamps 1 to 6
NFN sockets
F is for the telephone
Programming switch