5.5 Add favourites
After you log in (free of charge) to the RECIVA portal at www.reciva.com, you can also create an individual favourite
list for your Internet Radio.
For this, you need is the serial number and product key of your device. Then you must enter them in the RECIVA
You can obtain the product key for your device as follows:
Hauptmenü -> Konfi guration -> Register
Write down the displayed key.
You can obtain the serial number of your device as follows:
Hauptmenü -> Konfi guration -> Version -> Seriennummer
After you select Version, use the rotary controller to scroll through the various, displayed version numbers from
hardware and software until
„Serial number“
appears in the display. Write down the displayed serial number.
You can fi nd your favourites under
“My favourites”
“My transmitters”