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What is hyperplasticity?
Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to adapt to training and
learn new skills – from foreign languages to math, from
directions to the nearest cafe to physical movement and
strength. By stimulating the motor cortex during athletic
training (i.e. Neuropriming), the brain enters into a state of
heightened plasticity known as “hyperplasticity,” during
which the brain adapts to training more effectively.
Who can use Halo Sport?
Any healthy adult over 18 years old can use Halo Sport,
whether they’re a beginner or elite athlete. Due to a lack of
published scientific research, Halo is Sport not
recommended for medical applications or for those under
What is Neuropriming?
Neuropriming is the process of pairing neurostimulation
with athletic training to build stronger, more optimized
connections between the brain and the muscles.
Neuropriming introduces a state of hyper-learning, or
“hyperplasticity” in the brain, which refines the brain’s
ability to learn and adapt to athletic training.
What does the stimulation feel like?
Most athletes call it a mild tingling sensation, and others
compare the feeling to the sensation elicited by muscle
stimulators. Some people have a hard time knowing when
the stimulator is even on.