Mode Description
Begin a new measurement when the digital setpoint is changed.
Begin a new measurement when the valve is being held and the
hold percentage is changed.
Begin a new measurement when the average flow of the last
measurement is read.
The table values may be added together to trigger measurements based on multiple methods
(the value must be an integer between 0 and 7).
aMT 3
(triggers a measurement for instrument A when either the digital
setpoint is changed or the hold percentage is changed)
Start a Measurement
To start a new measurement
is the duration to collect data in the measurement, in milliseconds. The measurement
will end when the time has elapsed.
aDVAS 4000
(starts a measurement with 4000ms collection time)
Measurement Averages and Ranges
The average values or the range of values can be reported over the measurement time
period, for the current or most recent measurement
To return the average flow and temperature
The data returned will be:
unit _ id time avg _ temp avg _ flow
unit _ id
The text ID of the instrument.
The elapsed time that data has been acquired, in milliseconds..
avg _ temp
The average temperature during the measurement, in °C.
avg _ flow
The average flow during the measurement.
To return the range of temperature and flow values:
The data returned will be:
unit _ id time min _ temp max _ temp min _ flow max _ flow
unit _ id
The text id of the instrument.
The elapse time data has been taken for this measurement, in milliseconds.
min _ temp
The minimum temperature during the measurement, in °C.
max _ temp
The maximum temperature during the measurement, in °C.
min _ flow
The minimum flow during the measurement, in instrument flow units.
max _ flow
The maximum flow during the measurement, in instrument flow units.
Taring the Instrument
Taring adjusts the flow sensor offset so that the current flow value reads zero. This action
gives the instrument a zero reference, ensuring that the instrument provides its most
accurate flow measurements. It is recommended to tare the instrument:
After installation
If the instrument is hit with any significant impact
After any significant changes to the temperature or pressure.