Dual-Channel USB-Over-Cat5 Extender
Addendum: UU-2X4-P1 & UU-2X4-P2 Variations
Support for full-speed direct extension of USB devices
(fully transparent, hot-pluggable and hub-free)
In some applications you may need to extend USB totally transparently to a remote site
in such a way that the PC does not see the extension (or a hub) and only sees whatever
device you plug or unplug at the remote site. Not all USB devices, in spite of the U in the
name are Universal, and need direct connection to a PC to work properly.
The UU-2X4 is available in two variations to achieve the above. The –P1 removes the
hub in the 2
group and only provides one USB for Group 2 (Group A still has all 4
outputs), and –P2 removes both hubs so you only get one output on Group 1 and 1 on
Group 2.
The direct extension only support full-speed devices (memory sticks, printers, cameras,
etc) however they do not support low speed Human Interface Device (HID class)
peripherals such as mouse or keyboard.
Direct Extension ports fully support hot plug detection so you can unplug and re-plug the
remote device and the PC should be able to detect it properly (however, as you know, for
best results, you must first un-mount (―safely remove hardware‖ the device) from your PC
prior to unplugging it – this is recommended practice.
The Sender unit (UU-2X4-S) is the same as standard and for –P1 or –P2 only the remote
unit is different.
Figure 4. UU-2X4-P1 Receiver