Model HR-1P Projector Controller
You may need to use a crossover serial cable (also know as
a NULL-modem cable) to connect the HR-1P to the device
you want to control.
There are 2 types of serial devices:
DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) ex. Computer/ PC
DCE (Data Communication Equipment) e.g. Serial
controlled projector, modem, or the HR-1P.
DTE devices talk directly to DCE devices. If you have 2 DTE
devices trying to talk, they need a crossover serial cable
connecting them. In the same way if you have 2 DCE
devices trying to talk, they will need a crossover serial cable
connecting them as well. Generally DTE devices will have a
male DB9 connector and DCE devices will have a female
DB9 connector. You will notice that the serial cable included
with the HR-1P has a female DB9 connector. This indicates
that the HR-1P is a DCE device, which is why it will connect
directly to a computer/PC serial port. When you are done
uploading the “ON” and “OFF” strings to the HR-1P, you will
need to use a crossover or straight through serial cable to
connect the HR-1P to your
serial device depending on
what type of serial device
you are trying to control.
Here is the pinout for the
Power on the HR-1P and click the “Upload” button. A
message box will tell you when the upload has completed.
The “ON” and “OFF” strings and baud rate have now been
loaded into the HR-1P. Disconnect the HR-1P from the
computer and power the HR-1P off. Connect the HR-1P to
the serial device (projector) via the serial interface. Connect
the discrete input to the HR-1P. Power on the HR-1P and
you are done.