Security R
Important information
Check at regular intervals (depending on the state of roads) both be-
fore and during each journey that the roof box is firmly fixed to the roof
bars, the load is adequately secured and the roof box is locked with
the key removed
Inadequately secured loads and incorrectly mounted roof bars and
roof boxes can come loose during a journey and cause serious ac-
Ensure you give due consideration to the change in height and drive
behaviour (side-wind sensitivity, corner and braking behaviour) of your
vehicle when a roof box is mounted and, above all, loaded. No further
loads may be attached to the outside of the roof box.
The total permissible laden weight of your vehicle may not be ex-
ceeded. The instructions of the motor vehicle manufacturer in respect
of the maximum roof weight must be observed.
The speed driven must be suited to the load to be transported and, of
cause, to all relevant official speed limits. In the absence of any speed
limits to the contrary, we recommend a maximum speed of 70 mph.
When transporting any type of load, the speed of your vehicle must
however take into account all prevailing conditions such as the state of
the road, the surface of the road, traffic conditions, wind, etc.
Do not use bleach, alcohol or ammonia based cleaning liquids on the
roof box otherwise the surface of your roof box could suffer damage.
Please note the following when using a roof box: -
● The height of your vehicle can increase by up to 70cm
(dependant on the roof bars).
● Beware of low garage entrances, low clearances in general, low-
hanging branches, etc.
● Wind noise may be generated.
● When using an automatic car-wash facility, the roof box and roof
bars must first be removed.
● In addition to these usage instructions, due consideration should
also be given to mounting instructions for your roof bars and the
operating instructions of your vehicle.
● For reasons of fuel economy and the safety of other road users,
the roof box and roof bars should be removed when not in use.
● For your safety, you should only use tested (e.g. GS-tested)
roof bars that are authorised for usage in conjunction with your
● In order to avoid generating excessive lifting forces, the roof box
should be mounted parallel to the line of the road and not at an
These usage instructions should be kept together with your vehicle’s
operating instructions and carried in the vehicle when in use and en
route. Any changes made to the mounting sets and roof box as well
as the use of spare parts or accessories other than those supplied
by the manufacturer will lead to the manufacturer’s warranty and
liability for any material damage or accidents lapsing. You should
therefore observe these usage instructions to the letter and only use
the original parts supplied. In the event of you losing parts or parts
wearing out, you should only replace them with original spare parts
that can be obtained from a specialist stockist or the manufacturer.
In order to ensure that you are able to replace any lost or defective
keys as quickly as possible, we would advise you to note down the
key number below.
The manufacturer is not liable for any damage or accident that
may occur as a result of non-compliance with these usage
instructions, changes made to parts or usage of any parts other
than the manufacturer’s original parts.
Customer service phone: 01440 760000
The allowable roof load given by
your vehicle manufacturer that
shall not be exceeded.
70 mph
(112 km/h)
Halfords Ltd
Washford West
B98 0DE