4 First
Before delivery, the Hako-Jonas 980
E/EH has been extensively tested and
submitted to a functional check.
Only qualified personnel of your local
Hako contact dealer are allowed to
proceed to first operation. After ship-
ping of the machine, we advise your
Hako contact dealer. He will contact
you to make a date for briefing les-
4.1 First Operation of Batteries
To achieve the optimum performance
and a maximum service life, the batte-
ries must be given the initial charge
after filling.
Handling and function of the battery
charger is described in detail in the
instruction manual supplied with each
charger unit.
Since batteries and charger
units are matched, we re-
commend using batteries
and chargers as prescribed
by Hako. We can grant full
warranty only if those units
are being used.
For further information on first opera-
tion, maintenance and service of bat-
teries refer to the leaflet
"Information on drive batteries".
Do not use the Hako-Jonas
980 E/EH at ambient tempe-
ratures of more than 40°C.
Do not start the machine at
temperatures of 0°C or less.
First Operation
4 First
Before delivery, the Hako-Jonas 980
E/EH has been extensively tested and
submitted to a functional check.
Only qualified personnel of your local
Hako contact dealer are allowed to
proceed to first operation. After ship-
ping of the machine, we advise your
Hako contact dealer. He will contact
you to make a date for briefing les-
4.1 First Operation of Batteries
To achieve the optimum performance
and a maximum service life, the batte-
ries must be given the initial charge
after filling.
Handling and function of the battery
charger is described in detail in the
instruction manual supplied with each
charger unit.
Since batteries and charger
units are matched, we re-
commend using batteries
and chargers as prescribed
by Hako. We can grant full
warranty only if those units
are being used.
For further information on first opera-
tion, maintenance and service of bat-
teries refer to the leaflet
"Information on drive batteries".
Do not use the Hako-Jonas
980 E/EH at ambient tempe-
ratures of more than 40°C.
Do not start the machine at
temperatures of 0°C or less.
First Operation