FX-888D settings and adjustments
The FX-888D has 4 Parameter settings (see section 6. Parameter Setting in the Instruction
Manual). For reasons that only make sense to the engineer that programmed the software, the
parameters are numbered 01, 03, 11, and 14.
The parameter settings are very rarely changed from the factory settings. If you change a
parameter setting it would be even ra
station and would not typically be adjusted.
Parameter 01
: Allows you to display the temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit. The station is factory set
to display the temperature in Fahrenheit.
Parameter 03
: Low temperature error setting allows you to set
there is a drop in the tip temperature beyond the Low Temperature Alarm Setting. The station comes
from the factory with a Low Temperature Alarm Setting
station at 750ºF and the measured tip temperature dropped to 480ºF (750
error. I recommend you leave the Low Temperature Alarm at the factory setting and watch the solder
flow, which is a better indication of how the heat is transferring to the solder connection.
Parameter 11
: Allows you to switch between
control. The station comes from the factory set to normal mode. Normal mode al
soldering station to any temperature between 120
so that whenever you turn on the station it will heat to the last temperature you were using. Preset
mode allows you to “preset” from 2 to 5 temperatures. Preset mode is only useful if you constantly
change between specific temperatures when soldering. It gives you a faster way to adjust between
specific temperatures. Most operators would not need to use preset mode. If you change to p
mode you must also enter the number of preset channels (2
leaving the station in normal mode.
Parameter 14
: Password setting allows you to enter a Password to restrict the ability of someone to
adjust the station without a password. This feature is sometimes used by large assembly lines that want
to control the soldering temperature process. They would enter a password and not give the password
to the operator. The operator would be unable to change the temperatu
password setting from the factory is Open, which means there is no password
888D settings and adjustments
888D has 4 Parameter settings (see section 6. Parameter Setting in the Instruction
For reasons that only make sense to the engineer that programmed the software, the
parameters are numbered 01, 03, 11, and 14.
The parameter settings are very rarely changed from the factory settings. If you change a
parameter setting it would be even rarer to change it back. These are the core setting of the
station and would not typically be adjusted.
: Allows you to display the temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit. The station is factory set
to display the temperature in Fahrenheit.
: Low temperature error setting allows you to set the station to display an error message if
there is a drop in the tip temperature beyond the Low Temperature Alarm Setting. The station comes
from the factory with a Low Temperature Alarm Setting of 270ºF. In this case, if you were using the
station at 750ºF and the measured tip temperature dropped to 480ºF (750-270), the display will flash an
error. I recommend you leave the Low Temperature Alarm at the factory setting and watch the solder
hich is a better indication of how the heat is transferring to the solder connection.
: Allows you to switch between “normal mode” and “preset mode” of temperature
control. The station comes from the factory set to normal mode. Normal mode allows you to adjust the
soldering station to any temperature between 120-899ºF. The last set temperature is stored in memory
so that whenever you turn on the station it will heat to the last temperature you were using. Preset
m 2 to 5 temperatures. Preset mode is only useful if you constantly
change between specific temperatures when soldering. It gives you a faster way to adjust between
specific temperatures. Most operators would not need to use preset mode. If you change to p
mode you must also enter the number of preset channels (2-5) you will want to have. I recommend
leaving the station in normal mode.
: Password setting allows you to enter a Password to restrict the ability of someone to
n without a password. This feature is sometimes used by large assembly lines that want
to control the soldering temperature process. They would enter a password and not give the password
to the operator. The operator would be unable to change the temperature without the password. The
password setting from the factory is Open, which means there is no password needed to adjust the
888D has 4 Parameter settings (see section 6. Parameter Setting in the Instruction
For reasons that only make sense to the engineer that programmed the software, the
The parameter settings are very rarely changed from the factory settings. If you change a
rer to change it back. These are the core setting of the
: Allows you to display the temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit. The station is factory set
the station to display an error message if
there is a drop in the tip temperature beyond the Low Temperature Alarm Setting. The station comes
of 270ºF. In this case, if you were using the
270), the display will flash an
error. I recommend you leave the Low Temperature Alarm at the factory setting and watch the solder
hich is a better indication of how the heat is transferring to the solder connection.
“normal mode” and “preset mode” of temperature
lows you to adjust the
899ºF. The last set temperature is stored in memory
so that whenever you turn on the station it will heat to the last temperature you were using. Preset
m 2 to 5 temperatures. Preset mode is only useful if you constantly
change between specific temperatures when soldering. It gives you a faster way to adjust between
specific temperatures. Most operators would not need to use preset mode. If you change to preset
5) you will want to have. I recommend
: Password setting allows you to enter a Password to restrict the ability of someone to
n without a password. This feature is sometimes used by large assembly lines that want
to control the soldering temperature process. They would enter a password and not give the password
re without the password. The
needed to adjust the