The button “Test (2s)” is for testing purpose after commissioning.Pressing this
button,the sensor goes to test mode (hold time is only 2s).
Screen Display, Memory
& Apply Function, Optional Scenes
Detection Ra
Daylight Threshold
Stand-by dimming level
Definition of the ambient brightness; only when the ambient brightness is lower
thanthe preset specific lux amount, the sensor will work; when it's preset as
"disable", the sensor works everytim e i t d e t e c t s m o t i o n r e g a r d l e s s o f t h e
ambient lux level.
Increase or decrease the parameters.
Test (2s)
Hold time
Stand-by period
Press the button to change from the different scene options.daylight threshold
The period of light keeping low output before it gets completely off. When it's preset
as --, the light always keep at low output even no movement in the detection area.
Turn on or turn off the remote control.
Press the button before choosing the parameters; or press it for 10S, it will be
RESET function.
Press the button after choosing all the parameters to save them.
Press the button to deliver the saved settings to the other sensors directly.
Press the button to change the output power from 0% to 100%, it changes 5%
every press.
Power %
Change from the microwave sensor function to PIR sensor function, and the
other around.
The area in which movement will trigger the sensor, 100% detection area also
means strong sensitivity.
The period of light keeping 100% brightness after moving objects leave the
detection area.
The definition of low output during the standby period.