Clamping force tester TESTit – General
1.4 Max. RPM
The maximum allowed RPM for using the TESTit see
technical data.
1.5 Copyright
This manual is protected by copyright and is provided
exclusively for internal purposes.
Delivery of the operating manual to third parties, dupli-
cation in any form – including excerpts – as well as ex-
ploitation and/or communication of the content, are not
permitted [except for internal use] without written ap-
proval from the manufacturer.
Actions to the contrary make damage compensation
mandatory. We reserve the right to enforce additional
1.6 Scope of delivery
In scope of delivery of the TESTit starter set:
1 Tablet
1 Measuring head
with service pass and test protocol
1 USB charging cable
1 USB charger / AC adapter
1 Storage case
In scope of delivery of the TESTit measuring head:
1 Measuring head
with service pass and test protocol
1 USB charging cable
Order H49 7144.907-333